Friday, February 18, 2011

Nobody's Princess Essay Response

How would you feel if your whole life was being chosen for you? No control over anything, not even who you would get to marry. Would you feel like you needed to break free? This is exactly what Helen of Sparta in Nobody's Princess by Esther Friesner is feeling. Helen didn't know what to do with her life, so she decided to try a different path. Nobody's Princess by Esther Friesner is a great story about breaking free that is easy to connect with.

Most everyone can connect with Helen. This girl felt like every normal teenager does once in a while, having no control over her life. When I felt like this, I was in fourth grade. It seemed like all of my friends were annoyed with me, and that they didn’t want to talk to me. Actually, none of that was true. Being in fourth grade, turning situations that were positive into negative ones came very easily to us. Luckily, this problem of thinking you have no control only happened to me a few times. Helen had to deal with problems like that all the time, except she didn’t have to make everything a negative situation. Everything already was.

Even though people almost everywhere can connect with Helen with barely any thinking, the person who can connect with it the most is herself. Instead of sitting around, being miserable, Helen actually took tried to take control. The Spartan princess wanted to be more like her older brothers, Polydeuces and Castor, which she did. Embracing her newfound freedom, Helen went places no other princess had seen and committed deeds that have never been done by a woman before. If anyone else was in her place, those deeds would not have been committed. Other people wouldn’t have the strength to even try. Helen, princess of Sparta, showed her whole country that no matter who you are, you can break free of your boundaries, as long as you’re not too scared to try.

Esther Friesner’s is a wonderful story that shows anything is possible if you try. Helen of Sparta felt like her whole life was being chosen for her, and she didn’t want to accept that. As a result, her whole life changed for the better. If you wanted to break free of your boundaries, would you have the strength to try? Nobody’s Princess, written by Esther Friesner, is an inspirational story about taking control of your own life and making it what you want it to be.

1 comment:

  1. This is an awesome essay. You have all the elements in it, and I think you really dug deep into the book for your essay response. The emotions in your speeches were also really good. Maybe you should ask your teacher if you can name it something besides "Nobody's Princess Essay Response", though. My Lang. Arts teacher always has us do that, because then, it doesn't feel like an obligation as much, or a homework assignment, and more like an actual writing piece. Overall, really great piece.
