Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Life as We Knew It Character Analysis

Author's Note: This is a character analysis of the main character in my novel, Life as We Knew It. I analyze Miranda and then connect to the main character of another novel, Matched. I would like feedback on word choice. Thanks!

Miranda, the primary character in Life as We Knew It, is a very complex person. She has many different emotions, and with all that's going on in her life, Miranda is struggling to deal with it all. So, she has begun to close herself off from the world. Miranda hasn't spoken to her best friends in weeks, and pick fights with her mom about topics that aren’t very important to her (page one hundred and eleven and page one hundred and two). Her actions have affected the events of the story because when she fights with her mother, she adds stress into her life. That means that Miranda is placed under more stress, since her mother's emotion end up affecting hers, as well. She's not just harming herself; Miranda is harming all of her family members.
The main character’s actions in this novel remind me of another character from the story Matched, Cassia. Cassia had a problem handling all of the changes going on in her life, so she snapped at her younger brother, Bram. Doing this made the whole family tense for a few days, and it damaged her relationship with her little sibling for a long time. This is precisely what Miranda is doing to herself and her family. If she doesn’t figure out what is happening, the relationship between her and all of her loved ones will never be able to be the same again. Even though Miranda is turning herself away from others, I know that she doesn’t want that to happen. Hopefully, Miranda is able to realize that and change, to benefit her family.

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