Monday, December 5, 2011

Life as We Knew It Minor Character Response

Author's Note: This is an reply to a journal we were assigned today. That journal was to choose a event from your book and say how it would be told in a minor character's point of view. I chose when the main character, Miranda, was rearranging her house so her family would be warmer. The minor character I chose to say the point of view of was her cat, Horton.

Rearranging your home usually comes with a certain aura of stress. Yet when you are rearranging your home so your family member don't die from freezing cold, the stress obviously intensifies. Though no one thinks about it when reading this event in Life as We Knew It, moving around their home affect Horton, the family's cat, just as much as it affects the rest of the family. All Horton can see is his beloved ones shifting around where he lives as if their lives depended on it. He doesn't understand the reasoning behind it, just the changes. It actually makes him more upset than the rest of Miranda's family, and that's something they can't see.

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