Friday, May 11, 2012

Solitude and Redemption

Author's Note: This was a journal that we had to do this morning. We had to write in the point of view of one of the options listed on the board. I decided to do the last living flower in a flower bad. It begins devastatingly, yet has a happy ending. Hope you enjoy!

I'm alone. No one around me, nothing surrounding me for miles and miles. The empty flower bed stretches for what seems like forever, never ending. I was planted here about two weeks ago, along with about two dozen other. Everything was going wonderfully! A new family was created with me. We loved and cared for each other, being best friends. Suddenly, my own little world collapsed out from under me. The huge, stalking figure that first planted us all began to spray a demon liquid from a ivy colored shape. It whacked every other member but me repeated in every part of their body. The arms, legs, torso, even their face. I heard their shrieks of agony, and in my head I heard my own. Not one of physical pain, one of mental exhaustion and agony from what my family was going through. Nothing I could do would be able to cease their pain. Everyone I ever knew died less than four hours later. Now, here I am. Solitude. For the rest of my existence. How can I survive? Wait just one second. Oh no! It's the huge stalking figure again! Is he coming to finish me off? No, no he's not. He's throwing seeds next to me, all around me. Stalking man is planting new flowers! Although nothing will ever replace my former family, I can create a new one! This is the beginning of the rest of my beautiful life!

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